What's new in Movere?

Movere is a software-as-a-service solution (SaaS) solution, for discovery and assessment of your IT landscape.

Movere was acquired by Microsoft, and it's no longer sold as a standalone solution. Movere is available through Microsoft Solution Assessment. If you're a partner, take a look at our partner program.


Movere is retired as of March 31, 2024 and is no longer available in any region. To discover and assess your workloads for migration to Azure, we recommend that you use Azure Migrate.

January 2024

  • Movere will be deprecated completely from March 01, 2024. The deprecation was initiated in December 01, 2023 and no new customers have been onboarded since then. Also, note that we no longer support Movere in UK South and Central US regions.
  • This decision was made after careful consideration and evaluation of the service offerings. To ensure that there is less impact in your operations, we encourage you to transition to Azure Migrate as soon as possible.
  • We recommend that you back up your data and onboard to Azure Migrate. For more information, see how to export data in Movere or raise a support ticket if you need assistance in onboarding to Azure Migrate.

June 2023 release

The June 2023 Movere release introduces an updated Movere Console (v13.12) with new features, bug fixes in the Movere service.

The Console is automatically updated if you have configured the automatic update option during installation. Start a new scan to use the new features.


If the Console WFP UI is open, the Console doesn't update automatically. Close the console for changes to take effect.

Movere Console

The latest version of the Console (13.12), includes these new features:

  • Enhanced Summary Report: The Summary report will now contain the credential set type (Windows, SQL, or current user), number (to identify which credential), and the corresponding SQL instance details for which a scan failed, to provide more context.
  • Enhanced options Tab: The VCSA: Include migration and extended power data option has been added in the Scan Options tab which will enable Movere to collect vCenter’s “Power events” data and “Migrations” data during a vCSA scan.
    • This option is not selected by default. Users need to enable this option if they wish to collect the Power events and Migration data during the vCSA scan.
    • This setting is not recommended for extremely large vCenter appliances.

Fixed Issues

  • The vCSA credentials must now be entered in the Manage credentials tab instead of the vCenter Appliances tab.
  • Fixed issue: SQL ARC log not being written to ARC log file while using Windows credential to login to SQL Server.

April 2023 release

The April 2023 Movere release introduces an updated Movere Console (v13.11) with new features and bug fixes in the Movere service.

The Console is automatically updated if you have configured the automatic update option during installation. Start a new scan to use the new features.


If the Console WFP UI is open, the Console doesn't update automatically. Close the Console for changes to take effect.

Movere Console

The latest version of the Console (13.11) includes these new features:

  • Support for SQL Server 2022: Movere has added support for discovering SQL Server 2022.
  • Movere Certificates: Miscellaneous security updates with respect to Movere certificates. As per the security compliance process, Movere updates certificates once every quarter. If you update the Console once every quarter, the services should run seamlessly. We recommend that you turn on automatic updates for uninterrupted service.

Fixed Issues

  • The Manage credentials tab is now available during vCSA scan.
  • Fixed Console crash issue while deleting a user.

February 2023 release

The February 2023 Movere release introduces updates to the following features in Movere Console (v13.10), and bug fixes in the Movere service.

Feature Updates

  • Support for Azure Savings Plan discount pricing: Movere has added support for Azure Saving Plan discount pricing. Users can view estimated Azure cost for the workloads on the VM pricing page.

    Users can now get an estimated cost of running their workloads in Azure, with benefits such as Azure Savings plan along with Reserved Instance and Azure Hybrid benefits.

  • An automated shell script to create a custom non-root user account for scanning vCSA with Movere. Learn more.

  • Enhanced VM Pricing report: The VM pricing report has been enhanced to include CPU and SQL core counts.

  • Enhanced Device List report: The Device list report has been enhanced to show details of source of Movere information such as SAM(MovereBotLinux), SAM(MovereBotInv2), SAM(MovereBotInv4), and SAM(MovereWMI).

January 2023 release

Movere Console

The latest version of the Console (13.10) includes these new features:

  • Enhanced Service log file: The following enhancements are made to the Service log file:
    • Linux SSH errors can now be seen in the Log.Service.csv log file.
    • Log file now reports if cloud logging URL is accessed successfully.
  • Enhanced SQL error logging: The following enhancements are made to the ARC log file:
    • Zero rows returned are now reported as error in ARC log file.
    • Explanation of commonly known errors is now included in the ARC log file to ensure self-service.
  • Enhanced Summary report: Summary report now reports the SQL error logs along with other ARC errors.
  • Movere Certificates: Miscellaneous security updates with respect to Movere certificates. The Console version – v13.10, supports both old and new certificates. As per the security compliance process, we update certificates every quarter behind the scenes. As long as the Console is updated once every quarter, there should be no communication issue between the Console and Movere Service. We recommend turning automatic update on.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed issue: Latest CentOS version not able to obtain hostname.
  • Fixed ARC bots crashing issue on remote desktop servers and Citrix terminal servers.
  • Fixed SQL credential editing issue.

October 2022 release

Movere Console

The latest version of the Console (13.9), includes these new features:

  • Enhanced options for PII data collection: Movere, by default, will not collect the following PII data during Inventory and ARC Scan respectively. Users need to select the “Enable PII Collection” option from the options tab to collect this data while initiating the scan.

    Inventory Scan ARC Scan
    Dynamics\crmUserv WinEvents\UserName
    ExchangeServer\Mailbox SQLDBConnections\LoginName
  • Enhanced user login experience in installer: The installer will now automatically detect customers Azure region (where they have installed Movere) and receive authentication request response from the same region while trying to authenticate in the installer.

  • ARC Recall Notification: log.service.csv will now report “ARC Recall Completed” message.

  • Enhanced Summary Report: Movere service will now probe target devices ARC log and report the errors received in the first 50 minutes of ARC scan on the Console devices summary report.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed ARC bots crashing issue on remote desktop servers and Citrix terminal servers.
  • User experience to enable -nouser flag has been resolved while initiating an active directory scan.
  • Fixed Linux bots reporting CPU percentage greater than 100%.

August 2022 release

Movere Console

The latest version of the Console (13.8), includes these new features:

  • Scan Options Tab: A new Scan Options Tab has been added to Movere Console which can help users configure scans effectively. The options available in this tab are as follows: - Linux Sudo – (Selected by default) Unselect this option to deploy Linux bots without sudo permission. - Active Directory User Scan – (Not Selected by default) Select this option to collect User information during Active directory scan. - Summary Report – (Not Selected by default) Select this option to generate a summary report that details lifecycle of a bot deployment to the target devices. Scan Option Tab
  • Detailed SQL reports: SqlHid column has been added to msft_sqlserver_instance_list report.
  • ARC Recall Scan: Users can now run an ARC Recall scan on Windows devices to stop the ARC bots that are running on the target devices. This scan will not only terminate the bots on the target devices but also delete all related ARC files and payloads (except logfile). Users can choose to recall ARC bots on all Windows devices or provide a custom csv file to run recall scan on specific Windows devise. Learn More on how to run ARC recall scan for Windows. ARC recall Scan
  • Enhanced SQL error Logging: SQL error log has been enhanced with the following details: - Inventory bots will report the type of credentials (Windows or SQL) which failed authentication. - ARC bot will now provide details on success or failure of SQL queries that are run to retrieve data.
  • Movere Certificates: Miscellaneous security updates with respect to Movere certificates. The support for Console version v13.7 or older will end on 17th September 2022. Customers running on older Console version need to update to v13.8 to experience uninterrupted service. We recommend turning automatic update on.

Fixed Issues

  • VCSA version will be reported appropriately while scanning VCSA remotely with BASH shell enabled. The unknown Version of VCSA issue has been resolved.
  • Details of Microsoft 365 office suite (desktop products) installed on Windows 11 workstation will now be obtained appropriately during inventory scan. This information is available in Device\Microsoft\Desktop\Activation
  • Resolved Linux bot crash issue during scan after giving WARN: Complete Process Name not extracted error. The Linux bot will now continue scanning gracefully.
  • Resolved Linux bots not retrieving data from Xen Server issue.

May 2022 release

Movere Console

The latest version of the Console (13.7), includes these new features:

  • Enhanced readiness scan: Users can now get a readiness report while initiating a scan. Readiness scan reviews/checks the pre-requisites in the customer’s environment. The result of this readiness scan is available at C:\Movere\Logs\Readiness-Report-<datetime>. Since this feature is in Private preview, Users need to enable this feature by running Movere.Console.WPF.exe -readiness command from an elevated command prompt. A readiness scan checkbox will appear in the initiate scan screen as below. Readiness Scan Users need to check the checkbox while initiating a first scan/ rescan to get a readiness report.

  • MFA supported for M365 scan: Multi-Factor Authentication is now supported for scanning Microsoft 365 for Global Admin User. Pre-requisites have been updated to support MFA using modern authentication. Learn more about the scanning M365 with MFA.

  • Updated Linux Bots Movere.Arc.Linux.V2.Bot: Linux bots have been updated to support the following upgrades.

    • Bot re-start on system reboot for Target Machines using systemD.
    • Improved scanning mechanism for MS SQL Server.
    • Inbuilt bootstrap function. The updated Linux bots will function on all Linux machines except ESXI Server, XEN Server and Linux Kernels older than 2.6.23. In such cases the original Linux Bots Movere.Arc.Linux.Bot will be used and the experience will be the same as before.
  • Updated Azure Vm Allpricing Arc95 report: The Azure Vm Allpricing Arc95 has been updated in the exports tab to show the following additional pricing options:

    • As-Built 1yr RI Cost/Month
    • As-Built AHB 1yr RI Cost/Month
    • As-Built 3yr RI Cost/Month
    • As-Built AHB 3yr RI Cost/Month
  • Updated Msft Sqlserver Instance List report: The Msft Sqlserver Instance List report has been updated in the exports tab to show the following additional columns:

    • SqlHid
    • Average Database size
    • Average Database size + 2σ
    • Average Database size + 3σ
  • Associated Azure Region will now be visible on the exports tab to all users with export access to the associated tenant.

  • B-series status will be visible to all users on the exports tab.

  • Movere Certificates: Miscellaneous security updates with respect to Movere certificates. The support for Console version v13.5 or older will end by End of May. Customer running on older Console version need to updated to v13.6 or the latest Console v13.7 to experience uninterrupted service. We recommend turning automatic update on.

Fixed Issues

  • Movere will now report accurate version for the machines running Redhat 8.5

March 2022 release

Movere Console

The latest version of the Console (13.6), includes these new features:

  • Support for Windows Server: Movere now supports scan and assessment for Windows Server 2022
  • Support for high RAM VCSA: Movere now supports VCSA machines with high RAM up to 3500 TB without causing Out of Range error.
  • Support for additional columns in export tab reports: The following reports have been updated to reflect all columns in export tab reports as are available in specific data views in the Movere portal - Device List - Arc Landscape Device Summary - Azure Vm Sizing Inv - Azure Vm Sizing Arc95 - Azure Vm Allpricing Arc95
  • A new report has been added in the exports tab namely, Arc Landscape Device Summary which reflects data from Device\Microsoft\SQL Server\Device-Instance List data view.
  • Updated Rescan file selection for Windows and Linux rescan: - Users can now select Browse for Windows rescan file and Browse for Linux rescan file for initiating Windows and Linux rescan respectively. - Users will also be able to select ARC checkbox if they wish to run ARC scans while doing a rescan. Rescan windows and linux
  • Update VM assessment logic: Movere will now report Azure Profile as NOT AVAILABLE if no Azure VM profile can be recommended for the target machine.Previously, Movere used to recommend M128ms for target machines that had IOPS and throughput too large to be sized.
  • Security Updates: Miscellaneous security updates with respect to Framework verifier, Movere Certificates.

Fixed Issues

  • Verified and updated Linux distros supported by Movere in the Movere documentation.
  • Fixed ARC bot not responding issue: During startup, some interruptions from CIM queries caused ARC bot to stop responding. This has now been fixed.
  • Fixed file selection screen not appearing issue when a user wants to upload a different rescan file.
  • Fixed bootstrapper bot starting up x64 bot in x86 Linux architecture issue.
  • Fixed manual upload to cloud issue: In some situations, the Console was unable to switch to listener mode. This caused an issue in uploading payloads manually which has now been fixed.
  • Users will now be able to start vCenter and M365 scan without selecting domain in the domain tab.
  • Fixed NetStat data slow processing issue.
  • Fixed 500 server error that occurred while purging ARC data.
  • Boot flag will now be reflected in appropriate columns for Linux devices in the Device List data view.

February 2022 release

The February 2022 Movere release introduces an updated Movere Console (v13.5) with new features, bug fixes in the Movere service.

Movere Console

The latest version of the Console (13.5), includes these new features:

  • New ARC Sizing report with All Prices : Movere has added a new ARC sizing report in the exports tab named “Azure Vm Allpricing Arc95”. The report consists of all pricing types for a VM such as Azure Pay As You Go (No Contract), Azure Pay As You Go (No Contract) with AHB, Azure 1yr All Up Front Reserved, Azure 1yr All Up Front Reserved with AHB, Azure 3yr All Up Front Reserved, Azure 3yr All Up Front Reserved with AHB.
  • Support for Ultradisk SKU: Movere has added support for additional Storage SKU namely Ultradisk. Movere will assess a disk based upon disk size, IOPS and throughput and recommend a suitable storage disk SKU.


An Ultradisk SKU is not recommended for Boot disk drives.

  • Flag for Boot disk drives: An additional column has been added to Movere Storage Sizing report that identifies if a boot disk drive is a bootable drive.
  • Addition of filters to SQL ARC views: Movere has added additional filters to all seven assessment views of \ARC\SQL Server. The filters are as below: - SQL Edition (Enterprise and Standard) - Engine state (Running) - ARC Scanned (Yes/No) - SQL ARC Scanned (Yes/ No)
  • Addition of metrics on SQL assessment views: Additional SQL metrics have been added to the SQL assessment views as below: 1. Total SQL Instance count for the applied filters on the screen. This is also equal to Total Instance count on the \Device\Microsoft\SQL Server\Device-Instance List 2. Percentage of unique instances displayed of metric #1.
  • Notification on new tenant creation: Program tenant users will now receive a notification email regarding creation of new customer tenant associated with that program.
  • Support for Windows 11: Movere Console has now added support for Windows 11.
  • Miscellaneous security updates with respect to Movere Certificates.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed B-series VM recommendation processing slow issue.
  • Fixed AD payloads not uploading issue.

December 2021 release

The December 2021 Movere release introduces an updated Movere Console (v13.4) with bug fixes and new features in the Movere service.

Movere Consele

The latest version of the Console (v13.3), includes these new features:

  • Updated Default Install Path : The Movere Console will now install to C:\Movere by default and will validate that the user running the Movere.Installer.exe and the destination folder meet all access and permissions requirement. The Movere.Installer.exe will display an error if there are issues with user or folder access or permissions.
  • Readiness Scan Feature : This is a new type of scan performed by the Console which will generate a report on the scan "readiness" of target devices. The scan will test network access and connectivity, user permissions, target device name lookup, and other requirements to be successfully scanned. The resulting report will detail if the target devices are ready to be scanned and, if not, highlight what the issue(s) preventing a successful scan are. This feature is in private preview.
  • Movere Certificates : Miscellaneous security updates with respect to Movere certificates. The Console version – v13.4, supports both old and new certificates. As per the security compliance process we will be updating certificates every quarter behind the scenes, and as long as Console is updated once every quarter there should be no communication issue between the Console and Movere Service. We recommend turning automatic update on.

Fixed Issues

  • XML Parsing Error : Fixed the underlying cause of the following error when scanning Windows devices: An error occurred while parsing XML config file.; Exception type: System.Xml.XmlException; Exception message: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.
  • M365 Scanning Issues : Fixed two issues preventing successful scanning of Microsoft365 subscriptions.
  • Lansweeper Scanning : Fixed an issue with processing Lansweeper payloads.
  • VCSA Scanning : Fixed an issue with identifying the version of VCSA, which resulted in payloads uploading but failing to process.
  • Non-Domain Workgroup Device Scanning : Fixed an issue in how the Movere.Service resolves the name of Windows workgroup devices, which resulted in invalid token errors when scanning these devices.
  • Updated Character Support for the Magic Word : The Movere Console will now throw an error when a user includes an unsupported character when setting the Magic Word.

October 2021 release

The October 2021 Movere release introduces an updated Movere Console (v13.3) with bug fixes and new features in the Movere service.

Movere Console

The latest version of the Console (v13.3), includes these new features:

  • Support for B-series VM : Movere has added support for B-series VM profile. Users can now enable “Include B-series Profile” switch in the Sizing Options tab of VM Sizing and VM Pricing reports to evaluate selected VMs tagged as “B-series candidate” for B-series VM profile as an option in Movere assessment.
  • Support for additional VM SKUs: Movere has added support for additional VM SKUs that support AMD processor namely, LSv2 and Esv4.
  • Rename for Office 365/ O365 – Office 365 and O365 has been renamed to Microsoft 365 and M365 in the Movere Console and Movere documentation.
  • Flexibility in selecting ARC duration - Movere scans can now be configured to run for the duration of user choice by selecting a date on which users would like to end the Movere scan.

Movere Service

  • Record End of Scan in Movere log - Movere logs now records and displays Movere.Service.exe stop signal version:<tool version> when Movere scan stops and Movere.Service.exe shutdown signal version: <tool version> when Movere service shuts down abruptly.
  • Miscellaneous security updates with respect to FrameworkVerifier.exe.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed Linux bot deployment issue that reported error Unspecified error.scp: ./Movere: No such file or directory.
  • Fixed Movere and Azure Migrate integration experience.
  • Machines that have names longer than 15 characters would be identified accurately so that Inventory and ARC information can be associated to those machines automatically.
  • Accurate version of Oracle Linux Server and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server would be displayed in Movere assessment compared to generic redhat versions displayed earlier.
  • Fixed M365 installation links in Movere Console and Movere documentation.
  • Fixed SQL cluster name mismatch issue between DNS and FQDN - When the domain name of a device does not match the DNS name AND the device is part of a FCI (aka SQL Cluster) then, the Bots will now connect to SQL to extract inventory/ARC data.

September 2021 release

The September 2021 Movere release introduces an updated Movere Console (v13.2) with bug fixes in the Movere service.

Fixed Issues

  • The Console crashing issue experienced after the release of Movere Console (v13.1) has been fixed.

August 2021 release

The August 2021 Movere release introduces an updated Movere Console (v13.1), bug fixes and new feature in the Movere service.

Movere Console

The latest version of the Console (v13.1), includes these new features:

  • Console Logging : Movere will now send the scan logs from the Console to Microsoft database. The PII information is masked in these logs. These logs will be used by Microsoft support engineer to troubleshoot the scan issues. As part of the logging feature, Movere Service will be installing two additional DLLs namely, Microsoft.Security.RegularExpressions.dll and System.ValueTuple.dll
  • Added Masking feature : An improved drive-based username PII masking has been implemented.
  • Movere Certificates : Miscellaneous security updates with respect to Movere certificates. The Console version – v13.1, supports both old and new certificates. As per the security compliance process we will be updating certificates every quarter behind the scenes, and as long as Console is updated once every quarter there should be no communication issue between the Console and Movere Service. We recommend turning automatic update on.

Fixed Issues

  • Large VCSA payloads will now be processed and rendered in the portal. The encryption method that Linux bot uses will not truncate the final encrypted payload as the buffer limits has been increased.
  • The Linux OS information will be reported for older SUSE versions like SUSE 12.4. The OS information was earlier being reported as /etc/centos.
  • Fixed SQL CPU percentage issue where CPU percentage was being reported greater than 100%.
  • Fixed SQL 2019 scan failing error – SQL 2019 version number will be appropriately reported, and the SQL scan will be successfully executed when running using Windows Domain account.
  • Fixed Actual resource consumption scan uploading issue where payloads stopped uploading due to invalid token after 3 successful cycles when running as a process.
  • Fixed Credscan DLL: The Credscan was fixed to successfully include DLL after installation.

June 2021 release

The June 2021 Movere release introduces an updated Movere Console (v13), bug fixes and new feature in the Movere service.

Movere Console

The latest version of the Console (13.0), includes these new features:

  • Fetching SLES OS without lsb_release : Movere will now be able to detect SLES OS even if lsb_release command is not installed in the machine.
  • Linux scan via bootstrapper file : Movere will now resolve the FQDN of a Linux device when starting the Linux bot via the Bootstrapper file.
  • TLS version verification : Movere Console will check for the presence of TLS v1.0, v1.1 and v1.2 installed on the Console machine. If any version(s) is not present, the Console GUI will include an option to install the missing version(s) and user is expected to reboot the Console machine for changes to take effect. The TLS version is directly updated via registry, and any change in the registry setting requires a reboot of the machine.
  • Movere Certificates : Miscellaneous security updates with respect to Movere certificates. The previous version - v12.6, supports both old and new certificates. As per the security compliance process we will be updating certificates every quarter behind the scenes, and as long as Console is updated once every quarter there should be no communication issue between the Console and Movere Service. We recommend turning automatic update on.

Movere Service

  • Support for vCenter 7.0 scan : Movere will now also scan Linux Photon vCenter 7.0 using Movere bot. Learn More about Supported Linux distros. Both the methods – remote scanning of VCSA and scanning Vcenter directly as a Linux machine, using Bots, are supported. We recommend latter.
  • Additional support for CentOS : Movere will now also scan CentOS 7.7.1908 (Core) and CentOS 8.3.2011. Learn More about Supported Linux distros.
  • Support for additional storage SKUs : Movere will now include Standard SSD (E-Series) in the consideration set while sizing for Storage.
  • Report view changes : Users can now view SQL coverage percentage on the following pages along with Executive Summary report.
    • SQL Instances with DB Connections (ARC\SQL Server\DB Connections) page.
    • SQL Instances with SQL disk utilization (ARC\SQL Server\Disk Utilization) page.
  • The device count in the device list view will be available until 5 digits.

Fixed Issues

  • Movere bots will detect if they are running as a service on non-English language Windows devices.
  • Visibility of an underscore _ character when used in a password entered on the Mapping Credentials tab.
  • If a rescan is already loaded, Users will be able to choose a new rescan file by clicking on browse.
  • Movere has resolved Console crash issues while navigating Console.
  • Movere will now report the appropriate number of cores when hyperthreading has been enabled for target Linux devices with an odd number of cores.
  • Movere storage recommendation logic has been fixed to recommend the cheapest storage SKU which meets the on-premise requirement.
  • Updated Bot2 and Bot4 to no longer force communication over TLS 1.2 between the target device and Console.
  • Fixed data truncation issues faced when large amount of data is inventoried from ULLanSweeper.
  • Fixed direct upload issues with Bot2/ARC 2 when there is a proxy configured in between target machine and Movere Service.

April 2021 release

The April 2021 Movere release introduces an updated Movere Console (12.6), bug fixes and new feature in the Movere service.

Movere Console

The latest version of the Console (12.6), includes these new features:

  • Scheduled scans : You can now schedule periodic scan cycles. Particularly useful for scanning inventory sources so that they are not marked as retired
  • Bot installation destination is modifiable : Users can now modify the directory in which Bots are installed by changing the following parameter in Console config file: <add key="BotDestinationPath" value="Admin$\temp" />
    • sample values are C$\temp, C$, and C
  • In-product links : Links to documentation/ guidance that will help users understand what pre-requisites such as ports, permissions have to be considered while configuring the Console for a scan.
  • Open SSH header Keys supported : Movere now supports OpenSSH encrypted connections to connect to Linux machines.
  • Change run-as Account : Once Movere service is installed on the Console machine and listener service has started, users would be able to change modify the run as account from NT Authority to anything desired from the “Services” application
  • Validate Service Host URL : Movere will now validate the “Service Host URL” prior to collecting ARC information and will try to connect back to Console machine using the FQDN and all the available IP addresses of the Console machine. This will ensure that payloads are accurately sent back to the Console machine, when users have chosen the upload via Console approach
  • Movere Certificates : Miscellaneous security updates with respect to Movere certificates

Movere Service

  • Support for additional storage SKUs : Movere will now include the following SKUs in the consideration set while sizing for storage.
    • Standard: S60, S70 and S80
    • Premium: P1, P2, P3, P4, and P6

Fixed issues

  • Console automatic update setting will not turn on automatically after the Console machine is restarted.
  • Machines that have names longer than 15 characters would be identified accurately so that Inventory and ARC information can be associated to those machines automatically.
  • Movere ARC will collect performance data pertaining to SQL 2019 deployments.

November 2020 release

The November 2020 Movere release introduces an updated Movere Console (12.4), and new features in the Movere service.

The Console is automatically updated if you configured the automatic update option during installation. Start a new scan to use new features. Note that if the Console WFP UI is open, the Console doesn't update automatically. Close it for changes to take effect.

Linux actual resource consumption scanning

The Linux actual resource consumption scanning bots now work in a similar way to Windows. The Linux bots now run for as long as the scan is scheduled.

  • If the bot can't communicate with the Console or cloud (depending on where the scan is configured to upload) for any reason (the cloud can't be reached, the Console machine is down, ports aren't open etc), then the bot continues to capture data, instead of terminating itself. It continues to save payloads locally, until it can reestablish the connection to the cloud/Console.
  • When the connection is reestablished, the bot uploads all the saved payloads, in the next actual resource consumption cycle.
  • Payloads that are more than a day old (24 hours) aren't uploaded, and are automatically deleted.

Note that Linux actual resource consumption scanning bots don't run as a service, but as a process. This means that they don't restart if the target device restarts.

Windows scanning methods rename

Windows device scanning methods have been renamed:

Previous name New name
Run bots as a service Run as a service
Run bots as a process Run as a process
Scan remotely using WMI (no bots) Scan remotely using WMI

Fixed issues

To prevent payloads from piling up in the upload folder on the Console machine during slow start of Movere.Service, and sudden stop of the Movere service (Movere.Service) on Windows machines, we've:

  • Improved upload timeout resilience (error 504). The Movere service no longer stops uploading when two or more timeouts occur in short succession.
  • Reduced the impact and frequency of unauthorized uploads (error 401). Note that it's normal for a small number of 401s to be issued when the cloud access token (Token.txt) expires. It's also normal to receive a small amount of timeouts (504s).
  • The Listener service (Movere.Service) is no longer removed during each scan from the Console, and you don't need to stop it when running a scan from the command line. Instead, the service stops and starts up again automatically. This significantly reduces bootstrap time, and ensures that the service continues to run and upload incoming payloads at the end of each scan.

October 2020 release

The October 2020 Movere release introduces an updated Movere Console (12.3), and new features in the Movere service.

Windows actual resource consumption scanning

The following features are now available:

  • Actual resource consumption scanning: The actual resource consumption scanning bots now run for the duration of the actual resource consumption scan.
    • If the bot can't upload data to the Console or cloud, then it continues to capture data instead of terminating itself. It saves payloads locally, until it can connect to the Console or cloud again. Bots might not be able to communicate for a few reasons. For example, because the cloud is unreachable, the Console machine is down, or ports aren't open.
    • When the connection is reestablished, the bot uploads all the saved payloads in the next actual resource consumption cycle.
    • Payloads older than 24 hours aren't uploaded, and are automatically deleted.
  • Console payload pulling: If the target machine can't upload payloads to the cloud or the Console using the push mechanism, the Console now pulls payloads from the target machine every six hours, from the start of the scan, through File and Printer sharing. For this feature, Movere must run as a Windows Service (start from Console or use the -startlistener flag).
    • Required ports: For the Console to pull payloads from the target device, these ports must be open on the Console device (outbound), and on the target device (inbound).
      • UDP 138
      • UDP 137
      • TCP 139
      • TCP 445
  • Console upload to cloud: Movere tries to upload failed payloads from the Console to the cloud every 12 hours. During each upload cycle, the following occurs:
    • Movere makes three attempts during a cycle, to establish a connection with the cloud, and upload data.
    • If the connection is unsuccessful and data isn't uploaded, then the Console waits for 60 seconds before making another attempt.
    • Again, for uploading, Movere must run as a Windows Service (start from Console or use -startlistener flag).
    • Payloads older than 72 hours, stored on the Console device, are automatically deleted.

Windows actual resource consumption scanning now works as follows:

  • Upload to cloud: If upload to cloud is configured when scanning starts, the bot makes three attempts to upload payloads directly to cloud. If this fails, then the bot makes another three attempts to upload the data to the Console. If this additional attempt also fails, then the Console requests the payload from the target machine, using a pull mechanism, every six hours.
  • Upload to Console: If upload to the Console is configured when scanning starts, the bot makes three attempts to upload the payload to the Console. If this fails (for example poor connectivity, TLS version mismatch, port unavailability), then the Console requests the payload from the target machine using a pull mechanism, every six hours.

Windows scanning methods

The Windows device scanning methods in the Console have been renamed for clarity.

Original name New name
All available Run Bots as a service
Local + Remote WMI Run Bots as a process
Remote WMI Scan remotely using WMI (no bots)

Fixed issues

  • Bot2 will be able to run on machines with .NET versions 2.0 to 3.5.
  • Issues with actual resource consumption scanning for machine with > 2 TB of memory are fixed.
  • Movere now installs as a Windows Service at the end of a scan, if the scan is started from the Movere Console, or started using the -startlistener flag.

July 2020 release

The July 2020 Movere release introduces an updated Movere Console, and new features in the Movere portal.

Console installer

  • To use the latest features, the new Console should be manually installed, rather than automatically updated. Manually uninstall the previous Movere Console in Add/Remove Programs, and download the latest version of the Console from your tenant. You can also continue to use the previous version of the Console.
  • The latest Movere installer (version addresses a bug in the Movere.UpdateService.exe that caused custom configurations in the Console (for example, CollectSQL = true), to reset after a scan.
  • During installation using version, you can enable or disable automatic updating for the Console.

Movere Console

The latest version of the Console (, includes these new features:

  • Scan uploads: You can now choose to upload all scanning payloads to the cloud from the Console, and not from target devices. On the new Uploading Scans tab in the Console, you select Yes to automatically upload payloads to the cloud, and then you indicate whether to upload data from scanned devices, or from the Console.
    • If you select to upload directly from scanned devices, the data is only send from the Console if directly sending from devices fails.
    • If you select not to upload directly from scanned devices, then payloads are sent to the Console for upload to the cloud. You'll need to confirm this choice, because sending all payloads from the Console can cause large volumes of network traffic.
  • SQL performance data: You can now enable the collection of SQL Server actual resource consumption data on Windows devices in the Console. This setting doesn't affect Linux devices, since scanning Linux devices for actual resource consumption data always attempts to scan SQL data.
  • Passphrase: The passphrase is now set automatically in the Bot2 and Bot4 configuration files, and in the Movere.Server.exe config file during installation. You no longer need to manually set the passphrase when when bots manually, or using third-party software. Note that Movere doesn't use the passphrase when scanning from the Movere Console.
  • Microsoft 365 links: Microsoft 365 links are now available on the Microsoft 365 tab. You shouldn't find the modules online, since newer versions online support MFA, and MFA isn't currently supported by Movere. The linked modules should be installed on the Console device to successfully scan Microsoft 365 with Movere.

Movere portal

The Movere portal has been updated with a number of features:

  • Export: The Exports page is now visible to all users by default. All Customer users can export data from their tenant, at any time.
    • People who aren't Customer users (Partner/Movere/Program users) need explicit permissions for emulate access and export. Permissions are granted by Customer Admin users. Learn more.
    • Partner/Microsoft users who had access to tenants with export enabled prior to this release (7.7.20), can continue to export data. New non-Customer users must have access specifically enabled.
  • Azure region: The Azure region can now be configured on both the Export page, and within Azure Migrate integration. Changing the Azure region in either location updates all Azure sizing and pricing recommendations, based on based on the available offerings in the region. Once changed, Movere saves the new region as the default. 
    • Only Customer Admin users can configure the Azure region.
    • Changes to the default region apply to all users with Export access to the customer tenant. Any exported data reflects the region specified by the Customer Admin.
  • Data processing: Customer Admin and Partner Admin users can now pause data processing for inventory and resource consumption scanning.
  • User management: Admin users can delete any user in their own tenant. They can't delete themselves from the tenant. Users can’t delete users in a tenant that isn’t theirs, even if they have visibility to it. For example, a Partner user can’t delete users from customer tenants to which they have access.
  • Phone: This release addresses a bug preventing users from changing the mobile phone number associated with their Movere user account. Users can now update their mobile phone number, directly from the Profile page.
  • Azure recommendations: Movere Azure recommendations have been updated with more sizing and pricing options, reflecting the most currently available offerings in all regions.
    • New Azure sizing and pricing options enable users to explore the Azure costs of software assurance (SA) and SQL Server.
    • Movere updates recommended Azure profiles to those that support Reserved Instances, when setting the pricing commit to one or three-year all up front reserved. 
  • Interface:
    • A new edit report interface provides users with greater visibility and management into the data on each Movere view.
    • Device and user tags now display the number of devices/users they're assigned to. Additionally, Movere prevent tags currently in use from being removed, ensuring no accidental loss of data tagging.

Next steps

Learn about scanning in Movere.